Orange Coast CrossFit – CrossFit

If you are afraid to get a little dirty you might want to sit this one out…. In other words, I’ll see you all tomorrow! 🙂

A: Metcon (Time)

Work :20 sec Rest :10

*In as little sets as possible complete 100/80 calories on Assault Bike

B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 Min AMRAP

400m Farmer Carry [25-50lb range]

*Use KB’s or DB’s

20 Hollow Rock

10 Box Jump (30/24)

* Every time you break on farmer carry walk you must complete 3 Burpees on the spot.

C: MOBILITY (No Measure)

– Back

– Shoulders

– Lats

– Hips

– Calves

– Ankles