Orange Coast CrossFit – CrossFit

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Run 400m, then 10 reps of each with an empty bar:

– Romanian Deadlift

– Back Squat

– Good Morning

– Front Squat
Mobility Recommendations: 1:00/side of Flossing Hamstrings, Hip & Glute smash on Roller.

B: Front Squat (5-3-1-1-1-1-1)

*20-25 Min to find a NEW 1RM Front Squat.

C: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


2 Squat Clean (165/110)

2 Burpees

4 Squat Clean

4 Burpees

6 Squat Cleans

6 Burpees

– 1 Min Rest –
This is about pacing. 5 minutes can seem like a short period of time but if you sprint out of the gate you will be moving in slow motion by minute 4.

Think of trying to finish stronger than you started which means conserving some gas in the tank!

D: Metcon (Time)


Front Rack Hold (165/110)

* Every break = 30 Double Unders
The goal is to learn how to stay engaged through your mid-line while maintaining efficient breathing control.

Score = total accumulated time in the front rack.