Orange Coast CrossFit – CrossFit

A: Power Clean + Push Jerk (1+1 x 7 sets)

20 Min Clock*

The Goal is to work on quality reps at a heavier load. Work on finishing the power clean with speed under the bar while maintaining proper foot work. Try and not let yourself catch with feet wider than squat stance.

In the Jerk, work on pressing yourself under the bar with such force that you always catch with arms locked in a good position

B: Metcon (Weight)

E2MOM 16

0-2 Min: 400m Row or Ski

2-4 Min: 10 Power Clean & Jerk (95/65)

*Each round you will increase your weight at a minimum of 5lbs and a Maximum of 20lbs.
A good self indicator for weight increase is knowing that you should be completing your sets in no more than 2 sets.

Score = final weight

C: Metcon (No Measure)

[Extra Credit]

3 Sets:

– 90 sec rotating plank

(:30 left, center, right)

– 20 Hollow Rock