Orange Coast CrossFit – CrossFit

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

AMRAP 8 Minutes (moderate pace)

– 100m Run

– 10 Goblet Squats with a kettlebell

– 50′ Walking Lunge

– 1 Inchworm w/ 2 alt scorpion

B: Metcon (No Measure)

40 Min Clock!

0-20 Min Clock

15 Rounds:

5 Wall Balls (20/14)

3 HSPU or Strict Press (95/65)

1 Power Clean (225/155) or AHAP

20-30 Min Clock

4 Rounds:

30 Unbroken DU’s or 90 Singles

15 Toes 2 Bar or Knees 2 Elbow

30-40 Min Clock

For Time:

100 Back Rack alt Lunges (45/25)

50 Box Jumps (24/20)
* Break on DU’s or Singles = a 1 Minute Wall sit penalty on the spot.

Please scale movements and weight as needed.

If you finish a section BEFORE the cap you will move on to the next workout. The goals is to complete the work load in under 40 Minutes.